Monday 14 October 2013

Updated Google TOS Lets Them Use Your Name, Photo and Endorsement in Ads

Do no evil… unless it helps you push product. In
that case, feel free exploit as many people as
you like. It seems that this has slowly but surely
become Google’s way of doing business,
because the search engine giant has once again
updated its Terms of Service.
Under the update, if you went ahead and clicked
on a +1 for a product, Google can then use that
“implied endorsement” in display advertising,
along with your user name and profile photo. If
you +1′d the new Nexus 7 tablet, for example,
Google can then use your name and image in
ads that it displays to your friends, telling them
that you effectively endorse the product. Your
+1s can also show up in search results.
You can opt out of this through the Shared
Endorsements Settings page in your Google
profile, but the default setting is to allow Google
to do what they want with your +1s, user name
and profile pic. What’s strange is that even if
you opt out, Google can still use your name and
picture in Google Play for advertising in there.

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